E2Tally-Soft FAQ's

We have answers for all your questions. Explore FAQ to know answers to FAQs.


1. What is E2Tally-Soft?

E2Tally-Soft is an add-in to MS Excel. (Import from MS Excel to Tally automated).

  • To dynamically interface with Tally to import masters and transactions from MS Excel templates into Tally.
  • Automated entry of masters/data of various modules from MS Excel in a few clicks.
  • Export Tally data into MS Excel in structured formats.
  • Automated GSTR matching of GST website with Tally data.

2. Why should I choose E2Tally-Soft?

  • Automate Import in bulk / Input single entries from Excel to Tally using standard templates.
  • Import Masters/Vouchers of Accounting, Inventory & Cost Centre from Excel Worksheets to Tally.
  • Export Masters/Vouchers/Reports from Tally to Excel in structured format for Analysis.
  • Automate Documentation and logs activities performed for future reference.
  • Generate specific Company Info, Statistics & Index Worksheets for documentation. Validate Patterns of PAN, TAN, GSTIN & other standard formats. Export Trial Balance (as specified) including Consolidating TB of Multiple Companies.

3. When can E2Tally-Soft be used?

  • When you want to import to and from Tally, specific or all related information in a structured format for further and detailed analysis in MS Excel.

4. Where is E2Tally-soft useful?

  • E2Tally-Soft can be used wherever there is need to automate entry of data into Tally using MS Excel templates.

5. Which E2Tally-Soft function will be most useful to me?

  • E2Tally-Soft is primarily meant for automating data entry of masters so that time is saved and productivity is enhanced. Other than this primary funciton, there are functions covering profiling of data, Templates for importing data, Validating data, convert data from various formats including bank statements and import transactions/masters from Tally to MS Excel.

6. How can I use E2Tally-Soft in my profession?

  • E2Tally-Soft can be used for automating data entry work. This could be useful for accounting team in a company or to service providers who provide this service to number of clients.

Download & Install

1. Where can I download E2Tally-Soft?

  • The link for downloading E2Tally-soft will be provided by email only to customers after remittance of the license fees. Free updates are available from the link in the help menu of the software. Our software has been time-tested and proven. Users can view demo of key functions of the software:
  • http://wincaat.com/Products/e2Tally-Soft.aspx
  • You can request for 7-day free trial of specific software as required by you, by submitting details on our website at : https://www.wincaat.com/Trial.aspx

2. Where can I buy E2Tally-Soft and what is the price of the software?

3. How do I install E2Tally-Soft?

  • First, download E2Tally-Soft using the link provided and save the file to your computer. Then, double-click the downloaded file to initiate setup. Follow the on-screen instructions until E2Tally-Soft is successfully installed (restart may be required if .NET framework was newly installed into your system).

4. Do I have to install the VSTO that appears after I install E2Tally-Soft?

  • Yes, it is imperative that you install the VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office) setup that appears after you have installed E2Tally-Soft (VSTO setup appears right after E2Tally-Soft files are installed in your system) otherwise E2Tally-Soft will not work. The VSTO setup installs the E2Tally-Soft add-in into MS Excel.

5. I do not see the E2Tally-Soft tab in my Excel after installing the software. How do I resolve the issue?

  • It is possible that E2Tally-Soft's setup file may be corrupt or the VSTO file or Dot Net Framework are not installed. Please download the setup file again and try installing E2Tally-soft again by following all the steps as given in the software. Please also, check E2Tally-soft’s system requirements and make sure you meet them. If you still have issues, contact our friendly support team, they will help you to install E2Tally-soft.

6. Setup installed E2Tally-Soft and restarted my computer but I still don't see the E2Tally-Soft Tab in MS Excel. How to resolve this?

  • The reason you do not see the E2Tally-Soft tab in MS Excel is because your system does not have .NET Framework 4 and/ or Visual Studio Tools for Office software installed. Please download from Microsoft’s website and re-install E2Tally-Soft setup.
  • .NET Framework 4.0
  • Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO)

7. What versions of windows and MS Excel does E2Tally-Soft support?

  • E2Tally-Soft supports systems with Windows Vista and above. E2Tally-Soft will run on MS Excel 2010 and above.
  • E2Tally-Soft will run on MS Excel 2010 and above.

8. Is E2Tally-Soft Compatible with Mac OS?

  • E2Tally-Soft Software works only on Windows version of MS Excel and will not run-on Mac OS. However, a work around would be to use an application that can create a virtual machine (VM) running a Windows operating system with MS Excel installed and then install and run E2Tally-Soft Software there.

9. What is .NET Framework and why do I need it?

  • Dot NET Framework is a software framework developed by Microsoft that is used by many software applications developed and running on Windows. E2Tally-Soft is one of those software. It runs on Dot NET Framework 4.0, and cannot be used unless the framework is present.
  • Dot NET Framework is included in E2Tally-Soft’s setup and will be installed automatically. In case it is not installed in your system, visit Microsoft...
  • Click here
  • Visit their website... Click here ...and download and install the latest version of Dot NET Framework for E2Tally-Soft to work on your system.

10. What are the other system requirements?

  • The other system requirements of E2Tally-Soft are identical to those of MS Excel. If your system is able to run MS Excel 2010 or above, it should be capable of running E2Tally-Soft.

11. How do I uninstall E2Tally-Soft?

  • E2Tally-Soft can be uninstalled from: Control Panel --> Programs and Features --> Uninstall a program --> Select E2Tally-Soft --> Click Uninstall.

Activation And License

1. What is an activation code?

  • An activation code is a 16-digit alphanumeric code that you will receive on your purchase or request for demo version of E2Tally-Soft. This activation code will have to be entered into activation form of E2Tally-Soft after installation.

2. How do I activate E2Tally-Soft?

  • The software link provided to the customer through email should be downloaded first.
  • Close MS Excel if it is open.
  • Install E2Tally-Soft setup file.
  • After installation is complete, open MS Excel.
  • Click on the WinCAAT tab, click Panel --> Help and Options --> Licensing --> New License --> Paid. Activation, form will open. Click on activate tab.
  • Enter your firm name in Client Name:
  • Enter the Serial Number: (as allotted).
  • Click the Verify Serial Number button. By default, license available will be shown (E2Tally-Soft will be available for activation.).
  • Click Next ,and enter your email id to tag serial key with email id (helps to track your serial key on wincaat customer portal).
  • Click Activate. The software will check online for license available and activate.
  • After activation, Excel will close and re-open.
  • Please download latest help of E2Tally-Soft by clicking on Panel: Help & Options --> Help --> Updates.

3. Can I use the same E2Tally-Soft license key on multiple systems?

  • No. Your license will only work on one system at any given time. If you want to use same license on another system by surrendering the license from existing system.

4. When I opened MS Excel, a message box appeared saying, “Your E2Tally-Soft license has expired”

  • This message is displayed when your licensed activation period is over. You will no longer be able to use E2Tally-Soft’s functions. If you want to re-activate E2Tally-Soft, you will have to buy a new license from Connex Teletech Private Ltd.

5. How do I buy a new license or renew existing license for E2Tally-Soft?

  • A new license for E2Tally-Soft can be purchased by calling/emailing our support team. You can reach us by providing the details at: Buy Now

6. How can I check the remaining days left on my license?

  • You can find the remaining days left on your E2Tally-Soft license here:
  • Open MS Excel --> Click on the E2Tally-Soft tab --> In the Help group --> Click on About Us
  • Your license information and E2Tally-Soft build details will also be displayed.

7. How long will my license last?

  • The license is valid for the period of purchase which is usually one year and can be further renewed for one year at a time.

8. Can I surrender license and activate on another system?

  • Yes. You can surrender your valid license from existing computer/laptop and activate it on another computer/laptop. This can be done online using the licensing function in help menu. Please contact
  • support@wincaat.com
  • Cell: +91 93430-02119, +91 87626-61669 for any assistance.

9. I have bought an additional WinCAAT Software to my existing serial number. How do I install/ activate it?

  • For any additional software purchases such as T-CAAT, SCAAT, etc. to existing licenses, you can install/ activate the newly purchased software in-:Help & Options --> Licensing --> Add If this does not work, please contact Connex Teletech Private Limited Ltd by email/phone.

10. I have formatted my system without surrendering my WinCAAT Software. How can I re-activate my license?

  • You can re-activate the same license on the same computer by using the Re-Activate same System function.
  • If you only see the WinCAAT tab, click on Re-activate Menu --> Same System Or In any other WinCAAT Software tab --> Help & Options Menu --> Licensing --> Re-activate --> Same System
  • Enter your license details and click Re-activate. It is not possible to re-activate your license in any other system.

11. How do I uninstall E2Tally-Soft?

  • E2Tally-Soft can be uninstalled from: Control Panel --> Programs and Features --> Uninstall a program --> Select E2Tally-Soft --> Click Uninstall.

Using eCAAT

1. Is there a free/demo/trial/ evaluation version of E2Tally-Soft?

2. How do I start using E2Tally-Soft?

  • After installation and activation, an additional tab will be displayed in MS Excel named "E2Tally-Soft". Clicking on the E2Tally-Soft tab will display all of E2Tally-Soft's functions.
  • It is highly recommended that you go through E2Tally-Soft’s guidelines document before you start using E2Tally-Soft to ensure that your data is recognised and fully compatible with E2Tally-Soft.

3. Does E2Tally-Soft have sample templates?

  • Yes. E2Tally-Soft has sample templates for masters and vouchers for modules of accounting, inventory, cost centre and bill-wise. It also has various templates for conversion of different types of vouchers. This is available both as blank and filled in template. You can open/download these templates for Templates --> Masters or Templates --> Vouchers. You can open/download the templates for convert to vouchers at: Templates --> Convert2Vch

4. How do I update E2Tally-Soft

  • E2Tally-Soft Software will check for updates on the first day of the month or when user opens MS Excel on first/later day. If new updates are available, it will be notified to user with option to download and update.
  • To manually check for updates on any day in E2Tally-Soft Software: Help & Options Panel --> Help --> Updates

5. Do I have to uninstall E2Tally-Soft before installing the patch file?

  • No. Patch files will overwrite existing E2Tally-Soft data to provide you with the latest updates, so there is no need to uninstall E2Tally-Soft before running an E2Tally-Soft patch setup. However, you have to ensure that MS Excel is closed before installing the patch file.


1. E2Tally-Soft is taking too long/ how long will E2Tally-Soft take to run a function?

  • The response time of the software depends on various factors such as: configuration of the system, number of ledgers/vouchers and whether Tally is accessed from local system or Server. However, E2Tally-Soft is generally very fast so it should not take long to import the data. However, the speed of E2Tally-Soft may vary depending on the speed of your computer and number of records in masters/vouchers in Tally or data to be imported.

2. When I am importing masters/data, the process gets terminated?

  • The software has inbuilt validation and data must meet standard requirements of Tally. Hence, if the mandatory fields are not available or are not in required format, Tally will terminate with specific message. Please check the log file for errors. Rectify and re-import the data.

3. E2Tally-Soft was working fine, but it has disappeared from MS Excel. How do I resolve this issue?

  • Reason 1: The most likely cause is that E2Tally-Soft has become disabled in MS Excel. This is usually caused because E2Tally-Soft stopped responding and was closed unexpectedly. To fix this, please follow these instructions: In Excel 2010 and above & Click on the File tab on the top left corner of the screen & Click on 'Options' and then 'Add-ins' & Click on the drop down box at the bottom of the dialog box and choose 'Disabled items' and then click on 'Go' & Here, find and select E2Tally-Soft and click 'Enable'. E2Tally-Soft should be back to normal.
  • Reason 2: Another reason that E2Tally-Soft has disappeared from MS Excel could be because it has not loaded at start up. To fix this, please follow these instructions: In Excel 2010 and above: Click on the File tab on the top left corner of the screen & Click on 'Options' and then 'Add-ins' & Click on the drop down box at the bottom of the dialog box and choose 'COM add-ins' and then click on 'Go' & Here, find and check the box beside E2Tally-Soft and click ‘OK’. E2Tally-Soft should be back to normal.
  • Reason 3: If both the above fixes do not work, try uninstalling and re-installing E2Tally-Soft. This will not affect your activation period/status And In any other case where the E2Tally-Soft tab is not displayed in MS Excel, please contact Connex Teletech Private Ltd.

4. I am a new user to E2Tally-Soft. How do I learn to use the Software?

  • You can click on Help &Options --> Help --> Guidelines. The guidelines cover how to import masters/transactions and required validations for importing data from Tally. You can also watch demo available on youtube videos.

5. When I run E2Tally-Soft, I am getting message: "Tally is not opened"

  • E2Tally-Soft imports masters/transactions from Tally. Hence, please open the specific company for specific financial year for which you want to import the masters/transactions. In case, E2Tally-Soft is not able to detect this, it will give this message. Please open Tally, open company for financial year and perform the function again. Further, if two copies of Tally are optn, then also this errors message is displayed. Close both copies of Tally and open only one copy of Tally. if two companies are open, then data will be imported to active company. Hence, please ensure that only one company in which data is to be imported is open.

6. MS Excel/ E2Tally-Soft is not responding. What do I do?

  • The reason MS Excel or E2Tally-Soft is not responding is because it is trying to process data in the background, please wait for reasonable time and terminate. This could also be possible due to high volume of records. You can explore performing the function by splitting it into months or smaller size.

7. How can I disable E2Tally-Soft software from Excel?

  • To disable E2Tally-Soft Software tabs from Excel click on File tab/ Office button --> Options --> Add-ins --> In the drop-down box (at the bottom of the dialog box) Choose "COM add-ins" --> Click "Go" --> Uncheck the box beside "E2Tally-Soft" and click "OK". E2Tally-Soft Software should now be disabled.

8. How do I change Tally ERP 9 configuration for E2Tally-Soft?

  • Verify/change Advanced Configuration settings in Tally
  • Go to F12: Configure Settings --> Advanced Configuration.
  • Change Enable ODBC server to Yes.
  • Set Port to 9000.
  • Set Connect Tally.NET Server running on non HTTP port to No.
  • Set Use absolute URL for HTTP actions to No.
  • Accept changes and restart Tally.

9. How do I change Tally Prime configuration for E2Tally-Soft?

  • Open Tally Prime Software
  • Press F1 (Help) --> Settings --> Connectivity
  • Set Port to 9000.
  • Under client/Server Configuration, set Enable ODBC to “Yes”.
  • Set the port to 9000.
  • Accept changes and restart Tally Prime. ODBC should now be enabled.

10. E2Tally-Soft functions display a message: "Tally is not open" even though Tally is open and a company is selected, what is the solution for this?

  • Run function "Connection Check" from Help & Options --> Help. This will check whether Tally connection is active.

Buy / Renew / Rental

1. How can I buy WinCAAT Software?

2. Can I place order for multiple license/software at a time?

  • Yes, you can place order for multiple licenses or multiple software by adding the number of licenses/software to the cart. You can make a single payment for all the software in the Cart. Please follow steps at the link given below:
  • https://wincaat.com/WinCAAT_pricing.aspx

3. In my final payment form, I saw 3 types of mode of payment option which one I need to select?

  • WinCAAT Supports 3 types of mode of payment such as:
  • Direct transfer: This option will send an email to the customer about bank account details of Connex Teletech Private Ltd and the buyer can remit the amount to the bank account and send the remitted details to our sales team at
  • sales@wincaat.com
  • Pay online Now (Through Instamojo): AnotherThis option enables the customer to make the payment immediately through Instamojo
  • Email Payment Link (of Razorpay): This option will enable the customer to request for payment link from our sales team. The buyer can use the payment link received by email to make the payment.

4. I made the payment what’s next?

  • After we receive confirmation of your payment from our banker, instamojo or razorpay as applicable, we will process your order within 2 to 3 hours and will email Invoice with the serial key and steps for activation of the software

5. I have received the email with invoice, serial key and link for activation. How do I activate and use the software?

  • You can download the software from the link below and follow the steps given in the email to activate the software. If you need any assistance, you can call email:
  • sales@wincaat.com
  • If you need telephonic support, you can call us on Cell: +91 93430-02119, +91 87626-61669. You may be required to provide online access to your system through anydesk software so that we can guide you step by step.

6. Can I make the payment through my credit card?

  • Yes, there is an option to make the payment through Instamojo where user can select credit card option to make the payment.

7. Is their any option to purchase WinCAAT Software for less than one year?

  • Yes, Customer can select Rental option in WinCAAT Pricing page. The rental option provides option to buy the license for 2, 3 or 6 months.

8. Can I purchase WinCAAT Software for Multi-Year?

9. Can I get any discount on WinCAAT Software if I purchase more than one license?

  • Yes, if you purchase more than 1 license the discount will be applicable as per the slab given below. The discount is automatically applied when you place the order.
  • 2 to 5 license: 10% discount
  • 6 to 10 license: 20% discount
  • 11 to 20 license: 25% discount
  • 20 license: 30% discount

10. How can I renew my license?

  • Customer can renew the license before expiry at discounted price from our website from the link given below:
  • https://wincaat.com/WinCAAT_pricing.aspx
  • The license will be renewed with existing serial key which means that additional license period will be added to existing license key.

11. How can I renew my license after expiry?

  • If your license has expired, discount applicable before expiry is not applicable. You can buy a new license online as a new customer by providing all the details.
  • https://wincaat.com/WinCAAT_pricing.aspx

12. I am not based in India. Can I purchase and use WinCAAT Software?

  • Yes, you can place order and buy the WinCAAT software of your choice for using the software anywhere in the world. However, the pricing would be different compared to pricing for use in India. You can see link below for prices:
  • https://wincaat.com/WinCAAT_pricing.aspx
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